All about Dorothy
Dorothy Palmer is a certified Martha Beck Life Coach and certified Equus Coach who works with people struggling with relationships and situations of all kind. With an open mind and thirty years of courses in self-discovery, she learned how to live deliberately and remap beliefs, thought dissolve and eventually, life coach.
Her uncanny sense of the human dilemma combine beautifully with the tools and techniques of how to proceed towards understanding and awareness of what makes life work best. Dorothy is now ready to share her insights and knowledge with those still struggling to find a peaceful solution to everyday problems, or individuals that are stuck in indecision.
A modern approach
In addition to Equus Coaching, Dorothy coaches over the phone to simplify accessibility and bring a sense of ease to the process.
Contact her here or if you prefer, you can email her at
If you wish to avoid the internet altogether or need the instant gratification of a phone call, leave a voicemail or text message at 270-993-6508 and she will return your call.
Equus Coaching
You and the horse in the round pen, coached by Dorothy and guided by the wisdom of nature.
50 mins | $100 | Book now
Phone Coaching
As the mind processes what Equus Coaching revealed, a phone check-in between sessions allows further exploration
50 mins | $75 | Book now
Interest Call
Not sure? Afraid of horses? Want to know more? Free 20 minute call
20 mins | Free | Book now