Do you seek more clarity in your life?

Feel you lack an inner purpose? Are you ready to release what does not serve you anymore?

Horses and people have a lot in common. Whether you have experienced working with horses or not, it doesn’t matter.

The commonality lies in the internal world of both horses and people. Both have an inward spirit that lives strong in spite of outside hardships and traumas. There are times when this spirit gets squashed, or suppressed or damaged, but it can heal and return again to move you through the world with great majesty.

I use horses to help me stay in touch with my own truth because horses are mirrors of our inner selves. As a result of being herd animals, they may choose to be near us when our energy is balanced and honest, and wander away when we withdraw or shrink away from our true nature into fear, anger, sadness or frustration.

You, too, can learn to draw upon your inner spirit and nurture it to its fullest potential. Learn to be your own mirror to know when you are shrinking away from life, why and how to turn it around to stand strong within your own source of power.

Looking for the joy you had as a child?